{{ getTitleInPage() }}
@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
{{ $error }}
@endforeach @if (Session::has('error')){!! Session::get('error') !!}
@if($ho_id > 0 && $ledger_id > 0)
{{ getTitleInPage() }}
{{ $getHo->receipt_number_prefix }}-{{ $getHo->ashram_id }} {{ $getHo->name }} ({{ $fiscal_year }}) {{ getAccountHeadByIdMerchant($ledger_id) }} Ledger Account @if($from_month >= 1 && $from_month <= 3) 1-{{ getMonthName($from_month) }}-{{$fiscalY[1]}} to {{$lastdate}}-{{ getMonthName($from_month) }}-{{$fiscalY[1]}} @else 1-{{ getMonthName($from_month) }}-{{$fiscalY[0]}} to {{$lastdate}}-{{ getMonthName($from_month) }}-{{$fiscalY[0]}} @endif |
Date | Particulars | Vch Type | Vch No. | Debit | Credit |
@if($v['date'] != null) {{ date('d-m-Y', strtotime($v['date'])) }} @endif |
{{ $v['cr_dr_type'] }} {{ $v['ashram_id'] }} Cash {{ $v['full_address'] }} {{ getCityName($v['city_id']) }} {{ getStateName($v['state_id']) }} {{ getCountryName($v['country_id']) }}
@if(isset($v['item_name'])) Particulars: {{$v['item_name']}} @endif @if(isset($v['bill_no']) && $v['bill_no'] != ''), Bill No: {{$v['bill_no']}} @endif @if(isset($v['bill_date']) && $v['bill_date'] != ''), Bill Date: {{$v['bill_date']}} ,@endif @if(isset($v['payer_name']) && $v['payer_name'] != ''), Party Name: {{$v['payer_name']}} ,@endif @if(isset($v['payer_address']) && $v['payer_address'] != ''), Party Address: {{$v['payer_address']}} ,@endif @if(isset($v['rahebar_name']) && $v['rahebar_name'] != ''), Receiver Name: {{$v['rahebar_name']}} ,@endif |
{{ getMerchantVoucherType($v['voucher_type_id']) }} | {{ $v['order_id'] }} | @if($v['dr'] > 0) {{ $v['dr'] }} @endif | @if($v['cr'] > 0) {{ $v['cr'] }} @endif |
@if($val['date'] != null) {{ date('d-m-Y', strtotime($val['date'])) }} @endif | {{ $val['cr_dr_type'] }} {{ $val['ashram_id'] }} Cash {{ $val['full_address'] }} {{ getCityName($val['city_id']) }} {{ getStateName($val['state_id']) }} {{ getCountryName($val['country_id']) }} | {{ getMerchantVoucherType($val['voucher_type_id']) }} | {{ $val['order_id'] }} | @if($val['dr'] > 0) {{ $val['dr'] }} @endif | @if($val['cr'] > 0) {{ $val['cr'] }} @endif |
Dr Closing Balance | {{$grandTotal}} | ||||
{{$grandTotal}} | |||||
{{$grandTotal}} | {{$grandTotal}} |