@extends('Admin.master_layout.master') @section('title', $transaction_type_name) @section('header_menu') @parent @endsection @section('sidebar_menu') @parent @endsection @section('content')

{{ $transaction_type_name }}

@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)

{{ $error }}

@endforeach @if($transaction_type !== null)
@else @endif
{{ $transaction_type_name }} - Edit
@if(Auth::user()->admin_role_id == 1)
@else @endif
is_payer_type == 0) style="display: block;" @else style="display: none;" @endif id="old_payer">
is_payer_type == 1) style="display: block;" @else style="display: none;" @endif id="new_payer">
is_individual == 1) checked @endif value="1">
@if($transaction_type == 'Sbillp' || $transaction_type == 'Sadvp')
Date with Formate of (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm)
@if($order->invoice_file != '') View Document @endif
@if(count($OrderItems) > 0 && Input::old('item_list_id') == null) @foreach($OrderItems as $key => $item) @endforeach @endif @if(Input::old('item_list_id') !== null) @foreach(Input::old('item_list_id') as $key => $val) @endforeach @endif
Account Group Account Head Item Group Item UoM Qty Rate SGST(%) CGST(%) IGST(%) TDS(%) Amount
@if($currencyObj->symbol != null){{ $currencyObj->symbol }}@endif
@if($transaction_type !== null && ($transaction_type == 'Sadvp' || $transaction_type == 'Advc'))
@if($currencyObj->symbol != null){{ $currencyObj->symbol }}@endif
@if(count($paymentModes) == 1) @else @endif
@endsection @section('footer') @parent @endsection @section('extraa_script_and_js') @parent